SMP Worldwide

North America | Europe | Asia | Australia | New Zealand


Over an initial ten-year period, we were commissioned to photograph multiple buildings around the world, always under extreme time pressure for their launch brochures. During a second decade of collaboration, Wayne became their external executive consultant for architectural photography, responsable for reviewing over 50 existing brochures for improvement or repetition, coordinating the above with their marketing directors and external brand designer, executing many of those photography productions, mentoring and training their in-house architectural photography department, and reviewing and critiquing the in-house photography and brochures.


Our philosophy of producing the best possible imagery in the most efficient way at the quickest possible speed regardless of the circumstances or difficulties encountered on the location inspired such trust and success that Wayne became the external architectural photography advisor to this multinational corporation with an in-house team.


Over a period of two decades- scores of buildings photographed on four continents, advising the client on all their brochure imagery, layout and design, progressing onto the mentoring of their in-house architectural photography team with in-depth critiques, and consultation with their post-production departments to create and maintain ideal results.


“Wayne has been our go-to for any significant architectural project for over a decade. His approach is brilliant -- capitalizing on the natural resources and bringing the best out of any location, applying strong lighting techniques, composition and technical skill. Wayne is high-spirited, creative, focused and engaged. He approaches any challenges in a positive manner. He is calm under tight deadlines, and his experience is evident in his on-the-spot problem solving. Wayne recognizes the historic, contemporary or unique features of any of our properties and is able to emphasize these beautifully. Wayne's professional knowledge and expertise is invaluable to our team. He collaborates well with our vision and creative influence. On every job he delivers with plus. I am happy to work with Wayne on any job and highly recommend him to anyone looking to capture impressive imagery of any property.”

Ava Clitheroe | Head of Photography | SMP